Mario Botti

Italian and European Patent & Trademark Attorney


Main activities:
He focuses primarily on advising industrial groups in the whole range of Industrial Property, including preparing and prosecuting Italian, European and US patent applications; performing prior art searches in order to provide validity opinions on patents or patent applications and infringement opinions, as well as preparing license agreements.
In the last years he has matured special skills in providing technical assistance to lawyers in patent litigations, acting both as private counsel and as Technical Counsel appointed by the Court of Milan.

Graduated in Electronic Engineering at the Politecnico of Milan, he is a qualified Italian and European patent attorney and he is, therefore, admitted to represent before the European Patent Office (EPO) and before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (in Italian “Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi”, abbr. UIBM, ndt).
He obtained the “Patent Litigation in Europe” diploma at the University of Strasbourg in 2006.

English, French
