
Botti & Ferrari services

Botti & Ferrari aim at protecting its clients’ intellectual property in order to obtain exclusive rights deriving from research activities, innovation and creativity. Creating exclusive rights contributes to a high competitive advantage against competitors. Our services include:

  • Strategic consultancy services related to intellectual property protection.
  • Patent searches and trademark searches among similar and/or identical signs-> list of patents per inventor and/or applicant; status vitae; validity; possible comparable prior art documents; state-of-the-art at a given date and relating to specific matters.
  • Studying, drafting and filing of patent, trademark, utility model, design and copyright applications in Italy and all over the world, by means of a consolidate network of foreign correspondents.
  • Technical assistance in examination procedures in order to obtain the registration/granting of the IP right.
  • Client assistance in opposition procedures.
  • Monitoring and managing services related to the maintenance and renewal of IP rights protection.
  • Periodic or ongoing surveillance of third parties’ IP rights and analysis of the competitors’ technological know-how.
  • Legal and technical-legal advices.
  • Assistance in IP rights assignments and related assistance in drafting corresponding assignment agreements.
  • Economic evaluation of IP rights.
  • Training courses held at interested companies’ offices pertaining IP rights and management.
  • Obtaining patent documents.