Botti & Ferrari, Intellectual and Industrial Property consulting firm.
Botti & Ferrari is an established consulting firm specialized in Intellectual and Industrial Property.
Our activity is mainly focused in matters concerning patents, utility models, designs models, trademarks as well as the protection and monitoring of such IP rights.
Intellectual Property
The expression Intellectual Property refers to a set of rights having both personal and economic character, which are essential not only to protect, but also to exploit the outcome of human intellectual activity.
A patent is an essential tool of protection, which allows holders to protect their creations and defend the innovation which characterizes such creations, in any technical field.
A trade mark is a distinctive sign the function of which is to distinguish the goods or services that a Company produces and/or sells from those of other Companies.
With the term Design it is meant the appearance of a product or a part thereof. The registration of a design grants to its owner the exclusive right to use it.
Copyright is a regulatory scheme which protects the fruits of intellectual activity that have original and creative character granting to its author economic rights on the work itself whatever the mode or form of expression may be.
Legal services
As regards patent right protection, all of our office professionals are often involved in opposition procedures before the European Patent Office (EPO), before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante, as well as in law litigations relating to intellectual property before national Courts.