Main Areas of Activity

Electronics and new technologies (telecommunications and software applications)

Nowadays electronics covers a bunch of highly specialized sectors which share a common basic background. Since the very beginning our Office has always provided high skilled consultancy services in microelectronics and nanotechnology fields. Our professional team is also very active in the telecommunication field and mobile phone fields too, enabling us to deal with inventions concerning both complex circuit devices and network systems. Specialized skills have also been developed in inventions having high software content.

Mechanics and mechatronics

The mechanical field is part of the history of Industrial Property and still nowadays it is a main branch of our activity. Our Office is honored to offer consultancy services to important international companies located in Italy and in Europe. Our consultancy activity mainly involves the medical and orthopedic fields, as well as the automotive and electro-mechanical fields, as well as the fields of machine tools and household appliances.

Chemistry, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and biomedical fields

Our professional firm focused its activities also on chemical, biotechnological and biomedical sectors right from the very start. Our chemically skilled attorneys deal with protective rights in the entire field of chemistry, particularly in chemistry branches such as pharmaceutical chemistry, biotechnologies, chemical engineering and environmental protection, food chemistry, polymers chemistry, cosmetics and biochemistry.

Our chemically skilled team strictly works together with the mechanical department as far as the biomedical filed is concerned.

IP Protection related to distinctive signs (trademarks and domain names) and copyright

Since its foundation our professional firm consolidated its activity also in the field of the distinctive signs protection, taking into account all types of commercial fields and, at the same time, always envisioning possible future activities and developments in such a field. Besides carrying out in-depth studies on sign “registrability”, verifying if novelty and distinctiveness requirements are met, our consultancy services take also into consideration local regulations as well as clients’ needs, with the aim of setting the best strategies.

Our professional team offers consultancy and assistance services related to the protection of creative works which fall under the Copyright Regulation (namely, creative works belonging to literature, music, figurative arts, architecture, theatrical and cinematic arts of any mean or form of expression, in addition to computer programs and database). Our professional team is also specialized in providing registration procedures.

Legal services: intellectual property rights protection

As regards patent right protection, all of our office professionals are often involved in opposition procedures before the European Patent Office (EPO), before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante, as well as in law litigations relating to intellectual property before national Courts, acting both as party-appointed Technical Expert on the behalf of our clients and as Court-appointed Technical Expert appointed by specialized Courts, especially at the Courts of Milan, Turin, Bologna and Rome.

Our professional firm can also activate and monitor Custom controls (in Italy and/or abroad) with the aim of stopping counterfeit goods before they are imported and distributed on the national territory and/or before their exit from the same.

Transfer of technology and agreements related thereto

Our professional team offers consultancy services in drafting all types of agreements pertaining to industrial property rights, while assessing with the client the best strategy concerning the transfer of technology and know-how. Confidentiality agreements are also prepared.

As regards technology transfer, our office activity also comprises economic evaluation of intellectual property rights, by means of reasoned so-called “due diligence reports”.