Iceland, Patent Law Amendments
Ratification of EPC and amendment to the Patent Act makes EPO membership effective as of November 1, 2004. Iceland will continue its practice of accepting applications and granting patents in English, with only a translation of claims and abstracts being mandatory for the validation of European patents. In the light of the new legislation, it is now possible to lodge a product claim in Iceland on a new and inventive second medical indication. As of June 14th, 2004, a 31-month time limit now applies for the entry of PCT patent applications into the Icelandic national phase. A two-month grace period has been introduced to the filing deadlines of 12 months (Convention Priority) and 31 months under the PCT. However, it only applies when all due care is taken. The requirement to furnish an Assignment of Invention has been dispensed with, effective from May 11, 2004. The Biotechnology Directive, 98/44/EB has been incorporated into the Patent Act, effective from May 11, 2004.