Refinancing Of The Funding Programme “DISEGNI + 2”
Due to the large number of applications submitted by Companies to gain access to the economic benefits provided by the the funding programme “Disegni +2” (a funding program aimed to micro, small and medium-sized Italian Companies for the economic exploitation of designs, which has been set up by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and activated on Nov. 6, 2014), it has been noticed a rapid depletion of the resources allocated by the Ministry, which consequently, on 13 January 2015, has declared the suspension of the Funding Programme at issue. However, on November 11, 2015, it has been published in the Official Journal a notice relating to the decision of the Ministry to refinance the Funding Porgramme “Disegni +2″. In this regard, an additional 20 million euro will be allocated, which will be destined solely to the applications which were pending on January 13, 2015, date of the suspension of the Funding Porgramme.